Thursday, November 28, 2019

immanuel kant in LD Essay Example

immanuel kant in LD Essay Born in Konigsberd in East Prussia on April 22, 1724, Immanuel Kant has been one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy. His contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics have had a dynamic impact on almost every philosophical movement that took place in the post Kant era. He began the early stages of his life at school of philosophy at the University of Konigsberg, where he studied the philosophy of Wolff and the mathematics and physics of Newton. Having spent most of his life as a university professor, he did not receive fame and recognition till his late fifties. His critical philosophy is what he was best known for. His Critical philosophy is divided into three portions: Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Practical Reason, and Critique of Judgment. For 15 years after he obtained his doctorate, he taught at University of Kongsberg, lecturingfirst on science and mathematics, but gradually expanding his studies in almost al l forms of philosophy. Having a very unorthodox religious teaching, which were based on rationalism rather than revelation, in 1792 king Frederick William II, forbid him to teach or write on religious subjects. After the death of the King, not feeling obligating any longer, Kant published a summary of his religious views. At the age of 46, Kant read the writings of a Scottish philosopher David Hume. Hume criticized and greatly disliked all metaphysics. Not agreeing totally with the works of David Hume, Kant decided to write his own critiques.Kant in 1781 released Critique of Pure Reason, in which Kant attempts to prove, that although our knowledge is derived from experience, it is possible to have knowledge of objects in advance of experience. Meaning that rather than learning from mistakes, we should already know the problems and complications associated with the situation, so we do not make that mistake in the fist place. Kant saw that there

Monday, November 25, 2019

The insider essays

The insider essays The film The Insider tells the true story of Jeffrey Wigand, a man who was faced with the ethical dilemma of blowing the whistle on Brown Big Tobacco. Likewise Bergman also finds himself engaged in corrupt circumstances at CBS as the interview with Wigand is jeopardized for corporate profit. This film is an excellent depiction of organizations behaving as political systems. Personal and corporate use of corrupt political tactics are seen everywhere in this film, however, the most obvious are the use (and abuse) of power and advancement of personal interests. This film illustrates to the audience how serious the game of politics is played within an organization. In Jeffrey Wigands post-termination dealings with Brown s daughter has Asthma). This direct use of formal authority is used a means of coercion to quiet Wigand. Similarly, the audience observes the power wielded by rules and regulations as at the same meeting two corporate lawyers were present to enforce the signing of the new agreement (again used as a tool for coercion). Other types of power ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International relations - contemporary global security Essay

International relations - contemporary global security - Essay Example Social constructivism may be a helpful tool in studying international relations. The discussion will be based on the thesis developed by Alexander Wendt: â€Å"Anarchy s what the state makes of it†. International relation theory is basically material. Social constructivism brings in a social ‘zest’ to theory of international relation. This research paper considers social constructivism as a perfect alternative for neorealist theory widely applied for international relations. Materialist theory analyzes behavior of states on the basis of material assets distribution. A balanced relation between states is usually measured by distribution of material power. It is relevant to note, that â€Å"social constructivists reject this narrow approach to analysis of the states’ power† (Social constructivism). From the perspective of social constructivism, a social aspect of international relations is of crucial importance. This point of view can be explained as f ollows: politics and society is developed under the influence of human consciousness (Social constructivism). Moreover, international system doesn’t exist separately. There are a lot of external and internal factors influencing on the global system development. Therefore, making analysis of global relations basing on a material basis is a narrow approach and there is a need to apply another theory that is more complex and socially-oriented. Anthropocentric context of the modern world’s development coincides with the ideas of Wendt, whose claim is discussed further on. Basic claims of social constructivism and neorealism applied for international relations The international society exists among people and thus is influenced by people’s ideas and not just by material assets. The system represents the result of human mental activity. As it is explained, the international system is â€Å"a set of ideas, a body of thought, a system of norms, which has been arranged by certain people at a particular time and place, a human invention or creation not of a physical or material kind but of a purely intellectual and ideational kind† (Social constructivism). In this paradigm, a claim made by Alexander Wendt â€Å"anarchy is what states make of it† (1992) may be interpreted in a different manner: for example, the system stability is questioned for sure. A constructivist theory of international relations should be considered in detail. For example, the main claim of constructivists is that it is possible to observe a correlation between neorealist uncertainty and materialist nature of the theory. Thus, in accordance with the social constructivism, it is better to focus on thoughts and ideas to realize the core essence of theory about anarchy and power balancing (Wendt, 1992). The difference between neorealism and constructivism can be seen in the following explanation of anarchy from these two different perspectives: thus constructivists c laim that structures (i.e., factors and regulations which direct social actions) can’t give explanation to the actors’ mechanical activities and neorealists state that â€Å"the structure of anarchy is oppressing for the state actors† (Fierke at al, 2001). Thus, we can see that both theories are focused on discussion about interrelation between actors and structures (Booth, 2005). Structures are actors’ constraints, but constructivists claim that structures can act in such a way that structures would be transformed in new directions. Therefore, there is a need to refer to ‘structuration’ which provides with a more flexible vision of structure and actors interrelation (Wendt, 1992). If to apply structural constructivism to international relation theory it will be clearly seen that anarchy should be considered in a less rigid manner. Power and interests of the state are not material factors, but rather are ‘objective entities’ (Wen dt, 1992). Moreover, Wendt claims that anarchy doesn’t lead to self-help. The interaction between states is a decisive factor of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Online Retailers Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Online Retailers - Article Example Social media is contributing to this change, with its tremendous reach and consumer-centric features. Although the scenario of the interactive marketplace can be analyzed from a marketing communications standpoint, it is important to zoom out our view and regard its impact on the business as a whole. Thus, it is the goal of this paper to shed light on how the convergence of media in the Internet phenomenon impacts on: firstly, the consumers’ purchase behavior; and secondly, the business operations in its entirety; As pointed out earlier, the Internet has empowered the consumers in making wise purchase decisions. Firstly, with the emergence of third party sites that conduct comparisons on the attributes of products under the same category, the consumers are able to gain pertinent product information from an objective standpoint. Indeed, the availability of massive information in the Internet has created a more active and discerning set of consumers. This observation is also pointed out by Chinta (2006) as he highlighted the continual growth of technology-savvy, convenience-seeking, and quality driven consumers. Secondly, with the advent of free product information, consumers are able to create their own content sites specifically catered to the buying audience. Powered by the various websites like Facebook and Twitter, consumers can now create their own product review based on their usage experience. With this, it can be claimed that both phenomena continue to contribute in the shift of the co nsumers’ role—from merely passive audiences of company-fed product information to active shapers of product perception and image. The Internet has also created effects on the business model of companies. With the presence of various brand contact points, companies now recognize the need to synergize all its business operations to create a unique and more favorable customer experience. Firstly, from

Monday, November 18, 2019

Maryland sexual predators Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Maryland sexual predators - Essay Example In terms of the overall law, Maryland requires that sexual offenders that are going to live and work in the state register with the state and local government. Every year then, Maryland classifies the sexual predators along four classification lines: sexually violent predators, sexually violent offenders, child sexual offenders; and offenders. The most serious offenders, which are the majority of offenders in the first three categories, must register for life, and the rest must do so for ten years. In considering these regulations on registry, I personally support the institution of these statutes as they provide significant warning to parents and children of the threats that might be surrounding them. While it does open the offenders to social ostracism, it’s clear that these regulations are necessary to reduce and prevent these sexual offenses from occurring again. While the Maryland laws require adult sexual offenders to face these registry issues, the penalties for juvenile sexual offenders alters these laws. Kahn & Lafond (2006) detail Maryland’s complex punitive and treatment mechanisms for the adolescent sexual offenders. In these regards, the state indicates that generally juvenile sexual offenders are given more leniency than adult offenders in terms of punishment. In addition, juvenile offenders are required to undergo stringent rehabilitation mechanisms that target the individual’s dysfunctions and work to prepare them for entrance back into society. Within Maryland there are a great degree of sexual laws that vary in stringency, as a direct relation to the extent of the crime. For instance, statute 464B an individual is convicted in the third degree if a number of elements are committed (Maryland 464b’). The most notable of these elements includes the occurrence of sexual contact within another person against the ir will. The offender implements a weapon in the

Friday, November 15, 2019

What Is A Sexual Revolution?

What Is A Sexual Revolution? Answer: Sexual revolution is a social movement that challenged traditional codes of behavior related to sexuality and interpersonal relationship throughout the Western world from the 1960s into the 1980s. At the end of the Second World War, Wilhelm Reich introduced American readers to some of his earlier writings under the title The Sexual Revolution (1945). Explaining that this revolution went to the roots of human emotional, social, and economic existence, he presented himself as a radical (from Latin radix: root), i.e. as a man who examines these roots and who then fearlessly speaks the truth that sets humanity free. The truth, according to Reich, was that Western civilization had made people sick by imposing on them an unnatural, destructive sexual morality. However, thanks to various modern social and scientific upheavals, the natural human life functions were finally awakening after a sleep of thousands of years. The future would restore sexual health and, for the first time, bring full human autonomy. In 19th-century France and Germany several new small revolutions tried to speed up the process of modernization and to expand individual rights, but they failed. Repressive marriage and family laws and the denial of suffrage kept women in their place. Literary censorship hampered the free flow of ideas and kept the public sexually ignorant. Nevertheless, when technological progress made the mass production of condoms possible, many men and women began to plan the size of their families and thus quietly started a contraceptive revolution. As a result, they gained at least some measure of sexual self-determination, even if it remained unrecognized by the state. Eventually, however, the gap between traditional ideology and practical reality grew so wide that a drastic readjustment was all but inevitable. This readjustment was brought about by the First World War which announced the collapse of the rigid old political order. In 1917, when the revolution came to Russia, it expressly inclu ded equal rights for women and universal sexual freedom in its program. Thus, for the first time, a sexual revolution became official government policy. By the same token, in the bourgeois, capitalist societies of the West which are dedicated to individual freedom, the sexual revolution continues. The right to sexual self-determination is considered as important as ever, and, indeed, various sexual liberation groups are working hard to extend it. In the United States, the struggle for an Equal Rights Amendment, legal abortion, the repeal of sodomy, prostitution and obscenity laws, and an end to discrimination against homosexuals are perhaps the best known current examples. At the same time, more and more people also take advantage of those sexual rights that have already been granted. Thus, the movement toward sexual emancipation is still gaining in strength. It is this change in attitude, more than anything else, that amounts to a revolution. Instead of blindly following inherited customs, we now decide for ourselves what sexual activity is proper. Therefore, even if our overt behavior remains the same, it now has a different meaning. We have learned that there are alternatives, that there is nothing eternal or sacred about our sexual morality. We no longer submit to blanket taboos or suspend our judgment. In short, we have become used to questioning the legitimacy of our traditions. At least in this sense, the talk about a sexual revolution is fully justified. We have to remember that significant social changes occur not only when people change what they do. It may be enough that they change the way they think about it. It may be enough that different behaviors become defensible, that moral options develop which did not exist before. The old sexual standards seemed unassailable as long as they were taken for granted. However, today radical changes of all sorts have become conceivable and even plausible to many formerly uncritical men and women. Thus, past and present are no longer reliable guides to the future. Religious dogmas have been replaced by scientific hypotheses, certainties by doubts. At the same time, our choices and responsibilities have increased. There is cause for great joy as well as for great anxiety, in the area of sex, as in so many other areas of life, virtually anything seems to have become possible. b) Why do societies control peoples sexual behavior? Answer: Human sexual activities or human sexual practices or human sexual behavior refers to the manner in which humans experience and express their sexuality. People engage in a variety of sexual acts from time to time, and for a wide variety of reasons. Sexual activity normally results in sexual arousal and physiological changes in the aroused person, some of which are pronounced while others are more subtle. Sexual activity also includes conduct and activities which are intended to arouse the sexual interest of another, such as strategies to find or attract partners (mating and display behavior), and personal interactions between individuals, such as flirting and foreplay. Human sexual activity has psychological, biological, physical and emotional aspects. Biologically, it refers to the reproductive mechanism as well as the basic biological drive that exists in all species and can encompass sexual intercourse and sexual contact in all its forms. Emotional aspects deal with the int ense personal bonds and emotions generated between sexual partners by a sexual activity. Physical issues around sexuality range from purely medical considerations to concerns about the physiological or even psychological and sociological aspects of sexual behavior. In some cultures sexual activity is considered acceptable only within marriage, although premarital and extramarital sex are also common. Some sexual activities are illegal either universally or in some countries, and some are considered against the norms of a society. For example, sexual activity with a person below some age of consent and sexual assault in general are criminal offenses in many jurisdictions. c) How does sexuality play a part in social inequality? Answer: sexuality play an important part in the social inequality such as interpersonal behavior. Day-to-day interaction between women and men perpetuates male dominance. Gender differences in conversational patterns reflect differences in power. Womens speech is more polite than mens. Women end statements with tag questions (dont you agree? you know?). Men are more direct, interrupt more, and talk more, notwithstanding the stereotype that women are more talkative. Males typically initiate interaction with women; they pursue, while females wait to be asked out (Eitzen, 2000:260). Of the issues discussed in this chapter (prostitution, teen pregnancy, pornography, sexual violence and abortion) which do you think is the most important for Malaysian society today? Why? Answer: From the sex video created by Umno to topple Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim right down to the MACC officer caught watching smut in office, Malaysian news now only have one major point to highlight: sex and pornography The production and distribution of pornographic movies are economic activities of some importance. The exact size of the economy of pornography and the influence that it plays in political circles are matters of controversy. In many countries it is legal to both produce and distribute pornography featuring performers age 18 or older; however there are often restrictions placed upon such material. If we were to stop for a moment and take the time to properly assess the community impact of internet pornography, it would soon become clear that internet pornography is not the height of evil which do-gooder parliamentarians and parental groups profess. Indeed, it is probably one of the main factors contributing to a Professor Damato suggests there are two predominant reasons why an increase in the availability of pornography has led to a reduction in rape. First, using pornographic material provides an easy avenue for the sexually desirous to get it out of their system. Second, Damato points to the so-called Victorian effect. This dates back to the old Victorian era where people covered up their bodies with an immense amount of clothing, generating a greater mystery as to what they looked like naked. Damato suggests that the free availability of pornography since the 1970s, and the recent bombardment of internet pornography, has de-mystified sex, thus satisfying the sexually curious. You may well ask while this positive correlation between an increase in pornography (specifically internet pornography) and a reduction in rape has been demonstrated in the United States, do the statistics in Australia present a similar positive correlation? Ana Mendieta and Jenny Saville: Compare and Contrast Essay Ana Mendieta and Jenny Saville: Compare and Contrast Essay Compare and contrast the work of two contemporary women illustrators or artists. Situate their work in a social and historical context and examine how their work addresses questions of gendered identity. In this essay, I will examine the work of Ana Mendieta and Jenny Saville, two contemporary women artists from two separate movements in history; The Womens Movement of the 1970s, and The Britart Movement of the 1990s. I will compare and contrast the different approaches they take on female subjectivity, and then conclude with whom raises questions of gendered identity the most effectively. Jenny Saville was sprung into the art world when Charles Saatchi famously discovered her work and set her up in a studio to paint more pictures for him to buy. She joined the ranks of other young British artists to be part of the movement known as Britart, an explosion which culminated from media and political hype at that time, namely Cool Brittania. Saville read extensively on the subject of feminist theory, with particular interest on why, as feminist art historian Linda Nochlin pointed out, there have been no great women artists. Her paintings are often compared to old masters Rubens and Courbet, but most usually to contemporary painter Lucien Freud. As such, she is typically described as a New Old Master based on the technical aptitude and sheer scale of her female nudes which are implicitly related to the male-dominated art history. Unlike those male predecessors, Saville paints from a starkly female point of view. Her figures are not the idealised stereotype of beauty painted with the male gaze in mind; their flesh takes on all manner of mottled tones and their bodies are far from erotically posed.The history of art has been dominated by men, living in ivory towers, seeing women as sexual objects. I paint women as most women see themselves. I try to catch their identity, their skin, their hair, their heat, their leakiness. I do have this sense with female flesh that things are leaking out. A lot of our flesh is blue, like butchers meat. In history, pubic hair has always been perfect, painted by men. In real life, it moves around, up your stomach, or down your legs. (Independent interview, 1994) Plan, 1993, a 9ft high nude self portrait, towers above the viewer like a mountain of flesh. The figures arm is drawn across both breasts in a gesture which suggests negativity while the scale of the canvas and perspective makes the body look gargantuan; the contours of the flesh are marked as if Saville is on a hospital trolley waiting for her fat to be sucked out by a cosmetic surgeon. Alison Rowley asks if Saville worries about her size in an article on scale. it would be possible to read as signified by the size of the canvas for Plan Savilles figuration of the psychic dimensions of her own body, as it is constructed at the intersection of her physical body with all those discourses, of the fashion and cosmetics, the diet, health products and plastic surgery industry, that operate to produce the sign desirable feminine body for this culture as something other than her size and shape. The composition of the figure within the frame strengthens this signification: not only does it n eed a canvas 9 x 7 to accommodate it but even then its a squash to get it in. As I understand it, Saville addresses her gender through challenging the expectations placed on women to look good in a male-dominated society. She herself admits I havent had liposuction myself but I did fall for that body wrap thing where they promise four inches off, or your money back. and she states beauty as being the male image of the female body. (Independent Interview, 1994) She frequently uses herself in her images but the exaggerated folds of flesh speak volumes in an age where we are obsessed with our bodies. The standard reaction, particularly from a male view point is to recoil in disgust, prompting us to question how the media has so effectively brainwashed a society to think plastic surgery is normal; when in fact the horrifying reality is that women now feel a desperate sense of urgency to have their bodies prodded, probed and sliced in the name of beauty. By materializing the abject female body, Saville reveals what lurks in the feminine imagination. That is to say, by representing a specific idea of femininity, she speaks to the disparity between the way that many women feel about their bodies and the reality of how those bodies are perceived by others. Michelle Meagher. Jenny Saville and a Feminist Aesthetics of Disgust. Page 34 Jenny Savilles monumental paintings speak up for women with a strong political message for the age we live in. She pushes her brilliant and relentless embodiment of our worst anxieties about our own corporeality and gender Nochlin, Linda 2000. Floating in Gender Nirvana. Art in America 88. Page 97) with shocking reality and is a testament to how history and society has shaped us. In the series Closed Contact, Saville took a diversion from paint to collaborate with fashion photographer Glen Luchford. The resulting grotesquely distorted self-portraits were achieved via manipulation of the flesh upon a plane of perspex. The same strikingly similar effects were created in a work entitled Glass on Body from 1972 by the artist Ana Mendieta. She, as Saville, manipulated her face, breasts, hips, thighs and buttocks against a sheet of glass, thus interpreting her body as sculpture to provocative effect. Saville refers to her body as a prop, saying in an interview with Elton John Its like loaning my body to myself. So the flesh becomes like a material. In the photographs the flesh was like paint. Those pictures all came out of my exposure to plastic surgery. I worked with this plastic surgeon in New York for quite a few months, and I saw all of this manipulation of flesh and liposuction and surgeons fists moving around inside breasts. (Interview. Elton John. October 20 03.) I think a reference to Mendietas manipulation of her own malleable flesh against the glass and the resulting carnivalesque perversion of her once recognizable figure turn body art toward such feminist issues as the normative construction of beauty and the female body as monstrous other. Blocker, Jane Where is Ana Mendieta? Identity, Performativity, and Exile (Durham: Duke University Press, 1999) P.11 is an equally appropriate understanding of Savilles art. Anna Mendieta emerged during the womans art movement of the 1970s. Being exiled from her native country of Cuba when she was 12 years old resulted in feelings of displacement, and she addressed issues of cultural identity as well as her gender through performance and body art. Unlike Saville, who traditionally uses paint in a realist sense, Mendieta explored these relatively new mediums when she realized my paintings were not real enough for what I wanted the image to convey and by real I mean I wanted my images to have power, to be magic. (Ana Mendieta: Pain of Cuba, Body I Am Kaira M. Cabanas Womans Art Journal, Vol. 20, Page 12) While dealing with taboo subject matter she could directly change the male gaze from one customarily of desire and give a voice to the female nude that for centuries before did not have one. In a performance in 1972, Mendieta had a male friend shave off his facial hair as she applied the pieces to her face, thus assuming the symbols of male identity. Savi lle addressed the same issue with Passage, 2004, which features a transvestite between genders.Thirty or forty years ago this body couldnt have existed and I was looking for a kind of contemporary architecture of the body. I wanted to paint a visual passage through gender a sort of gender landscape. (Saatchi Gallery) Although both artists focus on the female body, Mendieta used her own for every art piece she created and, unlike Saville, she took her work out of the studio. Her Siluetas series combined issues of race and identity when she left imprints of her body in the landscape. These earth-body sculptures were created with natural materials such as flowers, earth, fire and blood and, as with most of her works, were linked to the rituals of Santeria, a religion that grew out of the slave trade in Cuba and which Mendieta studied to get back to her roots. The Siluetas seem to change form and shape from one to the other, and some take on the exaggerated appearance of a vagina, the uniquely female thing that appears central to most feminist art. by creating a fusion with nature, Mendieta affirms, through their common fertility, a feminine specificity. The Earth-mother in this respect constitutes an all powerful, truly mythical generality, in which Mendietas body literally melts, and in a certain s ense becomes lost; the affirmation of a collective identity so clearly implying the dissolution of personal identity. Creissels, Anne From Leda to Daphne, Sacrifice and Virginity in the Work of Ana Mendieta in The Sacred and the Feminine, Imagination and Sexual Difference, ed. By Griselda Pollock and Victoria Turvey Sauron (London: I.B.Tauris, 2007) p. 183 The problem is that women working with nature is regarded as a uniquely feminine approach and has the disadvantage of contributing to the perpetuation of a system of domination founded on the opposition of the sexes. Creissels, Anne From Leda to Daphne, Sacrifice and Virginity in the Work of Ana Mendieta in The Sacred and the Feminine, Imagination and Sexual Difference, ed. By Griselda Pollock and Victoria Turvey Sauron (London: I.B.Tauris, 2007) p. 183 An earlier work from 1973, Rape Scene, was a performance in which Mendieta smeared herself in blood and tied herself face down on a table to be discovered by colleagues she had invited to her apartment. It dealt with violence against the female body and aimed to expose the violence and control that can lie behind the (male) gaze, which for them (us) is neither novel nor escapable. (Where is Ana Mendieta? Jane Blocker. Page 15) A photograph documenting the scene appears remarkably as if intended to look like forensic evidence. Blood was frequently used in Mendietas performances to spark controversy. A Self-portrait from 1973 shows Mendieta with blood running down her face as she looks down into the lens of the camera. This compares with a piece by Saville entitled Reverse, in which the artists head is shown sideways on a reflective surface. Both Mendietas and Savilles faces look bloodied and brutal, as though they had been beaten up. The eyes in both are empty and listless. Lips are parted. The depiction of Savilles face in Reverse as swollen and scabbed actually comes from her fascination with plastic surgery and the women who underwent such operations. However, she would never call her paintings self-portraits as she is not interested in the outward personality. I dont use the anatomy of my face because I like it, not at all. I use it because it brings out something from inside, a neurosis. (Under the skin, The Guardian, Suzie Mackenzie, 22/10/2005) Ana Mendieta and other artists involved with the womans art movement did accomplish a lot by breaking the boundaries and bringing to light the injustices women have to bear just for being female thus establishing a place for womens art. The visual language raised by Mendieta in her performances had an ethereal poignancy reflecting her traumatic childhood experience. However, as other female artists of the era were creating art with their bodies while spiritually bonding with nature it was easy to term them as Goddess Artists Edelson, Mary Beth, Male Grazing: An Open Letter to Thomas McEvilley in Feminisim-Art-Theory, an Anthology 1968-2000, ed. By Hilary Robinson (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2001)P.593 a category they vehemently objected to, but nonetheless, creating giant vaginas and frolicking naked in the leaves can detract from the serious feminist angle. Jenny Savilles art cannot be taken anything but seriously. Her uniquely female perspective of nude women which have historic ally been painted by men for centuries begs the question, has a patriarchal art history defined beauty? The expectations placed on women to look a certain way are crushingly everywhere. The female form is nothing but an object of desire for the very men that moulded this ideal and the women who desire that unattainable ideal. In a society where women are controlled via a visual media which has evolved from pictures made by man, Saville has opened my eyes to the rituals I perform in the upkeep of being female. In contrast, Mendietas ritualistic performances, although captivating and thought provoking, seem more about self-cleansing and embedded in the spiritual to compete with men in a patriarchal art world.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Different Types of Memory Essay -- Brain Neurology Psychology Essa

The Different Types of Memory Memory is one of the most puzzling parts of the brain. How can our brain store more information and thoughts than an encyclopedia and weigh less then three pounds? The brain gives us the ability to act on our own. To think, say, and do things we want to do all occur because of our brain. The brain controls our movement, our thoughts, and our memory. Memory, the process of storing and retrieving information in the brain, consists of three main types, short-term, long-term, and ancestral all which can be comparred between genders. Memory is the process of storing and retrieving information in the brain. It has three main functions: recording, storing, and recalling. One records information in the brain by permanently putting it into memory for later retrieval. Most people decide what is important to record and what is not. Storing information in the brain is conducted so information can be retrieved and compacted for later use. Recalling is remembering the stored information. Memory adapts to peoples needs and is a necessary for our way of life (Yesavag 21). Memory decides how long to store something depending on the event. The information it stores is called traces or chunks and is stored in the deep temporal lobe, mid-brain, medial temporal lobe and other various places. Later these traces or chunks are remembered. There are four types of remembering. Recall, recollection, recognition, and relearning. Recall is remembering something from the past. Recollection involves reconstruction of events based on cues that serve as reminders. Recognition is remembering that refers to the ability to correctly identify previous encountered stimuli as familar. And relearning is material learned a second time. Relearning is the best evidence of memory because when something is learned again it is familiar and seems like it was known before. Relearning is having the information retaught to you a second time. A type of memory that doesn’t have recall, recollection, recognition, or relearning is Short-term memory. Short-term memory is memory that is â€Å"in use† and â€Å"active† and located in the deep temporal lobe. Short-term memory is the ability to retain a limited amount of information called chunks for seconds to a minute and to remember it for up to an hour. Short-term memory has a limited amount of room to store chunks an... ...ckslaps, hugs and the way we open doors. Since memory is a puzzling part in the brain, it has been studied over the years. Cyril Burt did a test between males and females seeing which gender had a better short-term memory and long-term. After the testing, the results showed that the males had a better short-term memory. For the test on long-term, the females ended up having a better one. He only tested fifty males and fifty females. Burt also didn’t take notes on how he did the experiment. He died in 1970. W.H. is the initials of a man who had brain surgery in the 1980’s. He was having constant seizures that were located in his temporal lobe. To stop the seizures, surgeons removed his temporal lobe. After the surgery, he couldn’t remember any thing he had done after it. Often forgetting where he was. But he could remember events that happened before the surgery. This all happened because the temporal lobe controls short-term memory. And since its removed he would never have any memories of what happened after the surgery since he cant transfer any thing to his long-term memory. This surgery proves that short-term memory is real and is located in the temporal lobe.